When you have a full-time job and you spend your free time worrying about the future and taking care of your family, there might be no time left for you.
Even though many times you don’t realize it, stress is an important issue when it comes to both emotional and physical well-being. What happens when you are stressed up? Well, you all know that you get never-ending headaches, insomnia, your hair might begin falling out, and you might get fatter, as well as other well-known symptoms.
Then, you know you are suffering from stress, because you feel hyper, extremely irritated by everything and everybody. And all these feelings make it impossible for you to relax and enjoy a good session of sex. So, is it such a big surprise that stress equals no sex?
Seeing Life in a Negative Light
Have you noticed the way everything becomes darker whenever you have a deadline or something important to sort out? Well, stress makes us see things in a negative light. And your partner, as well as your whole relationship might be one of those…things. Otherwise, why would you get angry in seconds for things you normally ignore? Well, everything is covered in a dark, negative cloud.
Not only does seeing life in a negative light makes you treat your partner in a horrible manner, but it makes you change your attitude towards yourself.
Unfortunately, the majority of people stop taking care of themselves when they are feeling stressed. I mean, you have to admit that “eating your feelings” is a delicious way to deal with problems. But besides gaining weight, people stop taking care of other aspects of their appearance. What happens next? Well, low self-esteem kicks in.
So, tension causes all of these and they get you closer and closer to a sexless life. Now, in addition to destroying the connection between you and your partner with your anger, there are also men who just can’t physically have sex because of pressure.
This is not difficult to understand. If a man has problems at work, it might be quite hard to get it up. You try to get wet or have an erection when you are thinking about a fight you had with your boss or an employee who created a huge mess!
And there is an even worse part, which happens when both people in a relationship have to deal with huge amounts of pressure!
Too Much Stress and Lack of Sex
As you can see, stress is to blame for many problems you have to deal with when it comes to your relationship and to your life outside of it. Unfortunately, worry causes lack of sex, and a life without sex brings even more problems in your relationship.
Intimacy, of any kind, including sexual intercourse, helps people stay close to each other. If you are close to your partner, you can communicate easy and that makes solving problems and dealing with arguments simpler.
And if you are thinking about make-up sex, now it might not be the best time. When you have a stress free, peaceful life and you have meaningless fights, make-up sex is fun and amazing. When you are stressed and depressed, your make-up sex might turn into angry sex. So, instead of solving your issues, this can create some more!
However, though it can affect our life in disturbing manners, tension can be managed. This means that you can choose between dealing with daily pressure or let yourself get lost in problems and worries, while destroying your relationships and life. If it helps, we all deal with the same problems, once in a while. The secret is not to let worry become part of every aspect of your life.
Relax, Take It Easy!
Dealing with stress is not as difficult as it might seem. However, it is crucial to be committed to not letting anything destroy your peace of mind.
What you should do is to make sure you have one hour for yourself, daily. What can you do? Well, that is up to you. If you like walking, jogging, swimming reading or meditating, do it! Is shopping helping you relax? Go for it! Whatever works for you is good.
If you take care of yourself and relax your brain, removing attention from work and problems, you won’t go home to your partner ready for a fight and you won’t snap at every word your loved one says. You know what that means, right? You’re not building a wall between you and your sexy time.
There’s one more thing you should know, though. Sometimes, the stressor is the relationship itself. Well, I know so many people who stay in a really bad relationship because they are afraid of loneliness. However, when there is no affection and no sex, you deal with more loneliness than being single could ever bring.
What to do? The best choice, in this case, is giving up. Casual dating or hot nights with the beautiful escorts in Scotland will help you deal with your loneliness before you find your soul mate and jump into a healthy relationship that doesn’t bring hassle to your life.
So, Is Stress to Blame for Lack of Sex?
As you can see, stress is the reason why many people have issues in their bedroom. However, just sitting there and blaming sex won’t help anyone, will it? It is your choice if you do nothing and whine about society and the fact that we have to deal with huge amount of problems wherever we go and whatever we do.
Or, you can get over it, accept that problems are part of our lives and instead of blaming stress for the lack of sex in our relationships, how about dealing with it?
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I have suffered with stress and I have been fine with my sex life, but it does depend on each person.
For a certain person I know, he just can’t get it up at all, even if he wanted to have a wank.