We all know that escorts around here know what they are doing. Hey, if you didn’t, you wouldn’t be in a job. Still, whenever it comes to sex there is always room for improvement. And as a client, I know full well how difficult it can be to tell an escort how things can be made better in a session. There is a massive worry that you will come across as telling her she is shit at what she is doing, which unsurprisingly can make a session to go downhill fast.
However, your friends from here at Escort Scotland are going to bring you some advice from guys on how to do things even better. As we all know, it is only with communication that we get the best out of our bedroom activities.
1) When you’re on top, it’s amazing when you thrust your hips back and forth hard and fast
Some women concentrate too much on going up and down. However, back and forth at a fast rate feels magical.
2) Make sure we know you enjoy it
We aren’t mind readers, so if we are doing something well, let us know. That will make sure we know to carry on doing it.
3) Masturbate in front of us
Yes, we do find this REALLY hot
4) Don’t grip the penis too hard during a handjob
It isn’t a strength test, so don’t grip too when playing with a guy. Firm, but not too farm is the way to go.
5) Keep Eye Contact During a Blowjob
This shows you are really engaged and not just performing a menial task.
6) Do Kegels When We Are Inside You
Squeeze your pussy onto our dick. It feels incredible, let me tell you.
7) Give Directions During Oral
Every woman has a different place she likes to be licked during oral sex, so guide us in like an air traffic controller helping an airline pilot.
So there we have it. Seven fantastic tips on how to make things go with a bang when you are with a client, or any other guy for that matter. Us guys can be a complicated bunch, but there are always things you can do to put a bug smile on our face.
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