Category Archives: Advice


Five Tips For Valentine’s Day if You’re Single!

Valentines Day can be a very tough time for singles everywhere. Those who are in relationships are everywhere to be seen, expressing their mutual adoration (even if they will be at each others throats by tomorrow) The advertisers, and society in general make anyone who is not part of a couple seem like some loser. We know this is very unfair, but it is true. Continue reading Five Tips For Valentine’s Day if You’re Single!

My Falkirk Escort Experience!

I’ve only recently moved to Glasgow, but decided it was about time that I got out of the house on my days off and started exploring the rest of Scotland. I’d already visited Edinburgh a couple of times, and although it’s a wonderful place I decided to try somewhere a little different. I chose to head to Falkirk after a recommendation from a colleague. Continue reading My Falkirk Escort Experience!

My Trip Around Perth and Kinross With an Escort

Perth and Kinross makes up one of the 32 council areas of Scotland. Located on the East side of the country, the area is renowned for its beautiful countryside, fantastic local produce and historical sites of interest. There really is something for everyone here, and for that reason I was eager to go exploring. Continue reading My Trip Around Perth and Kinross With an Escort