All posts by Genevive

Genevive is the newest writer to join the Escort-Advertising team, catch her posts here!

How to avoid Escort scams

When looking to book an escort service, it’s very easy to lose sight of what’s important and focus on the wrong thing – and it’s easy to understand why. It’s like when you go to McDonald’s right? Deep down you know it’s not healthy and the calorie and nutritional facts are right there on the packaging, but it’s so easy to ignore the warning signs when the Big Mac tastes just so damn good.

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Discovering My Gay Sexuality

It always starts small. Saying you like red wine when you actually like white, telling new friends that you love their favourite band, when you’ve really never heard of them. Or my favourite one: talking about crushing it at the gym when you spent the entire night in playing video games. We do it to fit in, to feel a part of something.

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Lingerie | For Sexy Naughty Men

We hear a lot about women’s lingerie, everywhere we go. It plasters large billboards and high-fashion catwalks, and little time is spared for men’s underwear. This not only means that many men struggle to know exactly where to find lingerie to suit them, but that men wearing lingerie becomes far more taboo than it should be.

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