We all know that escorting is a business. And with that, these individual men and women will make their own decision on pricing. That led to a very interesting conversation in the office this week. With it being Christmas and time working being time away from the family, should escorts charge more at this time of the year? In most industries, Christmas working will get the worker a bonus rate. Continue reading Should Escorts Charge More For Working Over Christmas?
Category Archives: Discussion
Busting Five Myths About Period Sex
There is a natural presumption that you can’t have sex when a woman is on her period. There are many reasons for this ranging from ‘health issues’ to some people thinking it is plain disgusting. But what is the truth? What is it like having sex during that time of the month? Continue reading Busting Five Myths About Period Sex
Why Do People Become Escorts?
I have to say, when I joined this company five years ago, I was seriously ignorant about the realities of the industry. I had this pre-conception that people chose to be sex workers because they didn’t really have that many options. They were foreigners who needed to have a job to live over here, or undereducated natives who believed that sex work was better than starving. This was something that was drilled into me by the media, but I quickly realised that that narrative was complete and utter bollocks. Continue reading Why Do People Become Escorts?
What is it Like To Actually Date a Sex Worker?
Everyone knows that we respect sex workers here at Escort Scotland. It is one of the reasons we are the home of escorting in Scotland. Whatever we can do to help our advertisers we will. That is mainly because we remember that they are actually people with real lives and worries. Continue reading What is it Like To Actually Date a Sex Worker?
How Do You Fix A Dead Bedroom?
The honeymoon period can often feel like the best part of a relationship. For the first six months to a year you are having the best sex of your life. You are always at it, finding reasons to jump into bed together… and then the honeymoon period ends. Continue reading How Do You Fix A Dead Bedroom?
Sex Tech: Why Smart Toys Are The Way To Go
Technology has improved massively in the last few decades. It used to be that virtual reality was nothing more than a fantasy for us. Now it is a reality, and this reality has even stretched to include the world of porn. Continue reading Sex Tech: Why Smart Toys Are The Way To Go
Can Meditation Help You Reach Orgasm?
For some people, struggling to reach orgasm is something that regularly happens in the bedroom. Even if they use toys or know exactly how to get themselves off, it just doesn’t happen. Stress can be a factor, which is why many suggest meditation as a solution. Continue reading Can Meditation Help You Reach Orgasm?
Do Escorts Really Enjoy The Sex?
Clients love sex workers. If they didn’t, there wouldn’t be a sex industry. The question for many remains though, do the actual escorts enjoy the sex? For a number of people, this is important as if they really don’t want to be there, then that raises serious issues of the morality of the practice, and in certain scenarios, consent itself. Continue reading Do Escorts Really Enjoy The Sex?
Is it Moral To See Escorts?
It is a question which us in the sex industry have to deal with on a daily basis. Is it morally acceptable to see escorts for sex? It is something that those in the anti-sex work lobby like to focus on, claiming it is repugnant, and pushing for buying sex to be made illegal. But really, what is the truth about morality and paying to see escorts? Continue reading Is it Moral To See Escorts?
Do Women Actually Enjoy Threesomes?
Most guys want a threesome. When fantasies are discussed, the MFF threesome will always come out at the top of any list. However, actually getting one is easier said than done. Many guys will go through their lives never achieving that fantasy. So we have to ask the question, do women actually like threesomes? Continue reading Do Women Actually Enjoy Threesomes?