Category Archives: Discussion


Why Do Most Sex Workers Choose The Sex Industry?

We are realists here at Escort Advertising, and we are well aware our industry has a bad rep in certain areas. One of these areas is the reasons that sex workers enter the industry in the first place. To be fair, these reasons spouted in the mainstream media often state that entry isn’t out of choice, or at best, it is the last chance saloon. Continue reading Why Do Most Sex Workers Choose The Sex Industry?

What Should I Add To My Sex Bucket List?

Most of us have a bucket list, a list of things that we want to do before we die. Each list is personal to us, based on the things that we really hope to achieve. For example, I’d love to go skydiving. However, some people actually have a sex bucket list, filled with kinky things that they hope to achieve. Continue reading What Should I Add To My Sex Bucket List?

The Pros and Cons of Working as a TS Escort

After over five year working in the industry, I have come to realise that sex work is a complicated thing. It takes a special kind of professional to be able to see a number of clients in a day and treat it like I would see spending a day in the office. On the flipside, if a sex worker hates every second of their daily work then they maybe aren’t cut out for this kind of job. If I hate my job, I can skive and do the minimum amount I can to keep myself off the radar of the bosses and not get fired. A sex worker will likely be having sex with someone they wouldn’t normally choose to be doing it with. It certainly is a test of your character, and it is even more complicated for transexual escorts, who find there are a number of pros and cons to working in the industry. Continue reading The Pros and Cons of Working as a TS Escort

Are Male Escorts Who Have Sex With Men Gay?

Ever since I joined the Escort Advertising nearly five years ago, I have been continually learning. I now understand so much more about the sex industry, and many pre-conceptions have been thrown right out of the window. However, there are still certain questions which even I still struggle with. One of those occasions occurred this week when I had a conversation about whether a male escort who had sex with men was actually gay? It Is fair to say this is a complicated one. Continue reading Are Male Escorts Who Have Sex With Men Gay?