Category Archives: Discussion


Why Threesomes Are Better With Escorts

When it comes to sex, there is a place for two, but also for three people. Threesomes are common fantasies for single people and for those who have a partner. In fact, it is general belief that all men want to have this experience at least once in their life, contrary to women. However, numbers don’t show this. Continue reading Why Threesomes Are Better With Escorts

Why Do People Kink-Shame?

Everyone has their own kinky interests in the bedroom. For the most part, we can accept that what we like in bed isn’t going to suit everyone. Some people find vanilla sex really boring. They think that it is incredibly dull and not exciting enough to keep them entertained. Then we have those with kinks who often experience kink-shame, simply for the things they love. Continue reading Why Do People Kink-Shame?

Girl Makes Guys Fill Out Intense Application Form if They Want To Date Her

I was having a chat with Zoe Jaspers a few days ago. We got onto dating apps, and how they affect the whole experienced. I felt that many of them wanted us to find our clones in the opposite sex, and to be fair, I would hate to meet a female equivalent of myself. I would just be so annoying. Continue reading Girl Makes Guys Fill Out Intense Application Form if They Want To Date Her

Should We Decriminalise Sex Work?

It seems that almost everybody has an opinion about sex work. Some people know very little about the subject, and take what they hear in the newspapers and what they see in sensationalised TV shows as gospel. Others work in the industry or know those who do and so form their opinions based on that. But the debate about whether we should criminalise or decriminalise sex work is constantly debated. Continue reading Should We Decriminalise Sex Work?

Do Older Men and Mature Women Date Better Than Millennials?

Have you ever had a date with an older guy or a mature woman who has left you reeling for more of their time, their companionship, and their participation in your sex life? If you have, this blog can totally relate to you. If you haven’t, this blog can give you a bit of insight into the world of dating senior people. Continue reading Do Older Men and Mature Women Date Better Than Millennials?