Category Archives: Discussion


How My Friend’s Bipolar Disorder Affects His Sex Drive

Mental disorders are still known to be a stigma in society and culture, no matter how heavy or how light a person’s issues would be. Well, we are becoming more aware of it on social media, and we are hearing more people opening up about their thoughts and feelings. However, I think we should talk more about how mental disorders can affect the things that we do every day, such as sex. Continue reading How My Friend’s Bipolar Disorder Affects His Sex Drive

How The Digital Economy Bill Will Change Porn

Lately, all people seem to be able to talk about is the Digital Economy Bill, known as the DEBill on social media. This bill is a piece of legislation that is currently before Parliament, and while many are hailing it as a fantastic way to police the internet better, others are pointing out that this is a terrible idea for porn. Continue reading How The Digital Economy Bill Will Change Porn

Why Are Students Becoming Escorts?

When people think of sex workers, they tend to think of people in their late 20s or early 30s. They imagine someone who needs some extra cash, who perhaps works another job and does a little bit of escorting on the side. People tend to forget that sex workers come in all shapes and sizes, and that they can be anything from mature ladies to students. Continue reading Why Are Students Becoming Escorts?