“To cover, or not to cover?”… “To cover, or not to cover?” This is a question that goes through our minds sometimes, when we want to go down south on our partners. Continue reading OWO v Covered Oral – Which is Better?
Category Archives: Discussion
Is Sex Work Female Empowerment?
In this day and age, women and feminists all over in the western region of the globe are still fighting for equality over gender politics, wages, and social status. However some of them contradict their values on what women can and cannot do. Continue reading Is Sex Work Female Empowerment?
The Pros And Cons Of Independent And Agency Escort
When it comes to dating escorts, everyone has their preferences. You might prefer to spend time with an independent escort, or you might find that you feel more comfortable with an escort in an agency. Continue reading The Pros And Cons Of Independent And Agency Escort
Should a Guy be Able To Come Twice?
I am 36 and for me, when I was young, social media wasn’t a big thing. Actually, if you think about it, it didn’t really exist. Yes, we had ‘chat rooms’ (do they still have them anymore?) but they were basically used for going and trolling other users in a manner that would get you into a lot of trouble these days. Continue reading Should a Guy be Able To Come Twice?
Will We See Decriminalisation In Scotland?
The sex industry is pretty much always in the spotlight, mainly because the world cannot stop looking at it. They want to know what it is all about, what drives people to be a part of it, and they can’t wait to force their own ideas and stigma onto those who are working in it. Continue reading Will We See Decriminalisation In Scotland?
What’s Wrong With Watching Porn?
The entire world seems to be pretty divided when it comes to porn. There are some, like us here at Escort Scotland, who think that watching porn is a great way to relieve stress and find new and interesting things to try in the bedroom. However, there are some out there who think that watching porn is the lowest of the lows, and that is can be very damaging to you and your relationships. Continue reading What’s Wrong With Watching Porn?
Women Have Topless March in New York!
Woman’s breasts have been bared all over the world, including in New York’s iconic Times Square as part of ‘World Nipple Day’. This is all part of a supposed drive for equality and feminism. Continue reading Women Have Topless March in New York!
The Raunchiest Sex Play Ever!
Last week saw what we hope ends up being a pivotal moment in the fight for equality for sex workers. For those who don’t know, Amnesty International decided to push for the decriminalisation of sex work. If this does happen, then the safety of men and women will be improved greatly. It really is a progressive step. Continue reading The Raunchiest Sex Play Ever!
Does Seeing An Escort Count As Cheating?
It is a question that well and truly divides people. Some insist that seeing an escort when you are already in a relationship counts as cheating, while others say that that simply isn’t the case and those who believe it is don’t understand the industry. Continue reading Does Seeing An Escort Count As Cheating?
Will Paying For Sex Be Banned In The UK?
The Swedish model is slowly spreading around the world, with Romania, Iceland, and as of the 1st of the month, Northern Ireland taking on this ban on those buying sex. Many countries are looking at the law and wondering whether taking it on will make a difference for them. Continue reading Will Paying For Sex Be Banned In The UK?