Category Archives: Discussion


The Difference Between Sensual and Erotic Massage

The word ‘massage’ can cover a whole host of techniques and methods used to help a person relax, as well as a huge range of areas to focus on from the very tips of the toes to the top of your head. Whatever your needs, there is a massage for you. Dealing with an injury? A sports massage can help. Had a difficult day at work? A sensual massage will ease your stress away.

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Why Do Men See Escorts?

Are they appreciators of sensual and beautiful women, free and liberated individuals who can do exactly as they want or are men who see escorts perverted and regularly objectify women? With the help of escort users and escort’s input, I look into what makes these men tick and delve into the reasons why so many men may get a kick out of seeing escorts. Continue reading Why Do Men See Escorts?