More and more women are paying male escorts to satisfy their needs and desires. Unlike some people believe, the reason why women choose to spend their time off this way is not that there are so unattractive and desperate that they are forced to seek paid affection.
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The Day in the Life of an Escort on the Grind
We’ve all seen Secret Diary of a Call Girl. The saucy, in-depth look at how one escort lives her daily life. The en suite hotel rooms and infamous politicians; the razor-sharp heels and little black dresses. It was one of the first, unabashed shows to reveal insights into what it was truly like to be an escort. It’s a cult phenomenon, but how accurate is it?
Continue reading The Day in the Life of an Escort on the GrindNo, Liking Anal Play Won’t ‘Make You Gay’
Sometimes, you’ll hear somebody say something and just find yourself pausing to look at them for a moment. Did they really just say that? Did I just misunderstand what they were saying? When the answer is ‘no’ it tends to make you worry.
Continue reading No, Liking Anal Play Won’t ‘Make You Gay’What is The ‘Feminist’ Problem With Sex Work?
Some of the biggest enemies of the sex industry are feminists. If ever you read an article attacking sex work, or you turn on to SKY News during one of their debates, you will find militant feminists right at the forefront of the assault. But what is the feminist problem with sex workers?
Continue reading What is The ‘Feminist’ Problem With Sex Work?Is it Better To Work in a Brothel or as an Independent?
When I was a kid, all I knew about sex work was that brothels existed. Now let me clarify, that wasn’t because my family spoke about brothels over the dinner table, but they were the places that the press said guys went to for sex. I knew nothing about independent escorts, I didn’t even know they existed.
Continue reading Is it Better To Work in a Brothel or as an Independent?Have Scotland’s Porn Searches Changed?
As you might already know, I’m a huge fan of PornMD. It’s a fascinating site to visit, especially if you want to know about the type of porn different countries are searching for. You can look at the various porn trends and learn a little more about what we want.
Continue reading Have Scotland’s Porn Searches Changed?Would The ES Users Try Spanking Therapy?
There are many different types of therapies out there. Depending on your circumstances and how you respond to a certain therapy, you might end up exploring a few different options. However, one that you might not have thought much about is spanking therapy.
Continue reading Would The ES Users Try Spanking Therapy?Why Isn’t Romantic Porn More Popular?
Happy Valentine’s Day! The day seems to bring about mixed feelings. Some people don’t care either way about the day. Others get frustrated by the amount of love-dovey stuff you can find yourself surrounded by. A number of people can’t wait for the chance to get romantic.
Continue reading Why Isn’t Romantic Porn More Popular?What Kind of Men Really See Escorts?
Many of you on here will know I have a real irritation with the mainstream media. No, I don’t mean like some Trump supporter or a Corbynite, calling out fake news whenever I hear something that doesn’t match my ingrained beliefs. I just feel that when it comes to certain issues, they have lazy narratives which can be damaging. The escort industry is a fine example.
Continue reading What Kind of Men Really See Escorts?Just How Common Are Sexual Fetishes?
Got a fetish? You aren’t alone. A lot of people have them. Sexual fetishes aren’t quite as exclusive as they used to be. Turned on by feet? Love the idea of someone whipping your ass into submission? These are all pretty common kinks to have.
Continue reading Just How Common Are Sexual Fetishes?