Category Archives: Discussion


World Mental Health Day: Punting And Your Mental Health

Today, the 10th October, is World Mental Health Day. It is a day when we look in-depth at our own mental health and how we can help others. It is a reminder to take time out for yourself, to understand your own mental health, and to know when to draw the line. Although many don’t realise it, punting can have a huge impact on your mental health. Continue reading World Mental Health Day: Punting And Your Mental Health

Five Reasons Men Use Sex Dolls!

It is fair to say that now I am approaching my middle age, I have seen many changes in the sex industry. When I was a young boy in the 80’s and 90’s, it was a different climate. TV personalities like Frank Bough had their careers cut short, or at least curtailed. after engaging in bondage sessions, whilst blow up dolls were lampooned in comedy classic ‘Only Fools and Horses’. Continue reading Five Reasons Men Use Sex Dolls!

Seven Reasons Brothels Should Be Legalised

When it comes to discussing the future of the sex industry, how brothels fit into it is always a matter of debate. To some they are ‘dens of filth’ and the police should be closing them down. To others, they are a place where sex workers can work safely. But where does the truth lie? Well today we are going to take a look at the benefits of brothels you may not read about in the mainstream media. Continue reading Seven Reasons Brothels Should Be Legalised

Couple Have Blatant Sex on Beach During Heatwave

Have you been enjoying the sun? It is fair to say that I have. I spent a nice week off with the family, even hitting the beach on Thursday. There we swam in the sea and built sandcastles, whilst other people did the same. Well, it seems that a couple in Ingoldmells beach in Lincolnshire thought it was a good idea to have a sex in front of a load of families in broad daylight, which is thankfully something that didn’t happen at the one I visited. Continue reading Couple Have Blatant Sex on Beach During Heatwave