Category Archives: Discussion


Is A Short Commute Better Than Having Sex?

Travelling to work is something we just have to deal with. You’d rather not, and many of us would be content to work from home if we could, but it is a reality of working life to many. You have to cope with potentially long journeys, but it seems that a short commute can actually bring us a great deal of pleasure. Continue reading Is A Short Commute Better Than Having Sex?

Can You Really Fix Bad Sex?

I don’t know about you, but I’d love it if sex was more like it seems in porn. In porn, everyone comes and has a great time doing it. The men last longer and the women have the time of their lives, given all the screaming they do. In real life, things aren’t so smooth. In fact, you’ll probably have encountered plenty of bad sex in your lifetime. Continue reading Can You Really Fix Bad Sex?

Are You a Sex Addict? – Here is a Test

Just when are you a sex addict? Where does the line between having a healthy appetite and an inability to stop cheating on your partner end, and a serious addiction begin? It is something that has been the cause of much debate for many years. Lets face it, there are numerous celebs who say they have sex addiction when they get caught playing away from home. There is always the idea that they use it as an excuse and they probably just need to gain some morals. Continue reading Are You a Sex Addict? – Here is a Test

The App that ‘proves’ Sex is Consensual (Poll)

We hear a lot about rape these days. The stories are usually the same; the woman (or man) say they have been raped, the guy asks what they are talking about as they say it was consensual, and as it is usually one person’s word against another we are left with a bit of a mess. Rape convictions are low, but the stain on a man’s character as there is perceived to be ‘no smoke without fire’ will last a lifetime, irrespective of moral guilt. Continue reading The App that ‘proves’ Sex is Consensual (Poll)

Should Escorts Charge More For Working Over Christmas?

We all know that escorting is a business. And with that, these individual men and women will make their own decision on pricing. That led to a very interesting conversation in the office this week. With it being Christmas and time working being time away from the family, should escorts charge more at this time of the year? In most industries, Christmas working will get the worker a bonus rate. Continue reading Should Escorts Charge More For Working Over Christmas?

Why Do People Become Escorts?

I have to say, when I joined this company five years ago, I was seriously ignorant about the realities of the industry. I had this pre-conception that people chose to be sex workers because they didn’t really have that many options. They were foreigners who needed to have a job to live over here, or undereducated natives who believed that sex work was better than starving. This was something that was drilled into me by the media, but I quickly realised that that narrative was complete and utter bollocks. Continue reading Why Do People Become Escorts?