Getting sex right can be tough. Nowadays we have the internet to help us out, but back when we didn’t have this amazing resource we had to use magazines and books. Some might turn to their friends for advise, but usually it was things like books and magazines that became our go to.

If you are at all up on your educational sex literature, you’ll likely already know the name Dr. Ruth. If not, read on. You’ll get to learn more about the woman herself and the latest book she will be releasing to educate us on sex.
Who is Dr. Ruth?
Although she has become known as Dr. Ruth to many people, Ruth Westheimer is a sex therapist, as well as an author and media personality. For ten years she had a radio show titled Sexually Speaking, where callers would talk to her about their problems.
She became known for giving honest advice and talking openly about sex. You can see just what she is like at giving advise in the clip below. When I first became sexually active I was shocked by her. It took me a long time to realise that being as honest and open about sex as she was is actually a good thing. Now she’s something of a role model to me!
Throughout the years she has been insistent that sex can be amazing. Not only would she talk about problems during the act itself, but she also discussed sexuality and diseases. Her first copy of ‘Sex For Dummies’ came out in 1995, and was followed up by a miniature edition in 2000. Now, she has plans to make a new version for current generations… but why is it changing?
‘Sex For Dummies’ for millennials
You’d think that sex advice can’t change that much, but you’d be wrong. In an interview with Variety, Dr. Ruth revealed that she will be releasing a new version of ‘Sex For Dummies’ this year, but that the advice will be a little different from previous editions.
She explains how it used to be. Women wanted to know how to have an orgasm, while men had questions about premature ejaculation. She stated that she doesn’t hear those questions often any more, believing sex educators like her are part of the reason why. The information is already out there, so she doesn’t really get asked about them as much as she used to.
So this upcoming version of ‘Sex For Dummies’ isn’t going to focus on those issues. She wants to write it “especially for the millennials”. The sex problems we face are totally different to the problems other generations have had to encounter, and she wants to address that.
“I will talk about those questions that you just asked me,” she said, referring to questions that she gets asked the most. “I will talk about loneliness, I will talk about the issue of the art of conversation, the issue of sexually transmitted diseases, all of those issues. And then they can open it, they don’t have to read the whole page, just read that paragraph that I’m writing about.”
Quote taken from Variety
A new addition to your sex library?
I’ll admit that I probably spend more money on books than I should do. I’m a sucker for a good bookshop. They form a big part of my shopping experience, and I usually need supervision when going into one. Lately I’ve been buying books about the sex industry, but very little has been sex advice. In fact, the only book I have with advice is a “365 Days Of Sex Bible” I bought from Ann Summers about eight years ago.
To be honest, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t interested in getting this book when it comes out. It’s not my usual thing to read, but I’m fascinated by the sex advice specifically for millennials and whether we need a book for the advice.
I will keep an eye out for it, but I’m not totally sold on the book yet. It interests me, but is it essential reading? I’m not convinced. If you want to know about the kind of things I do consider essential reading, take a look at the book ‘Revolting Prostitutes’ by Juno Mac and Molly Smith. I lost an entire night of sleep reading this book and I’m not even a little bit sorry about that.
Your sex tips for future generations
It’s hard to give sex advice for others without knowing about the kind of questions that they are asking. I often tell people that being open and honest about sex is the most important thing, and that most of your problems can be solved through communication. If I were to offer advice to future generations, this would be it.
But what about you? Have you got some amazing sex tips for future generations that you think they need to know? Tell me all about them by leaving a comment in the box below!
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