Category Archives: Fun


An Aberdeen Escort – How I Became One

Woman in white bra leans forward on bed

Let me tell you how I managed to get into the world of escorting. I was working in a dead end horrible job in Aberdeen. I had gotten the job, despite going against five other hopeful employees. They were all like me, just out of university, with no idea what to do with their lives, a degree in business that was deemed useless without experience and a mounting bill of student debt hanging over their heads. Continue reading An Aberdeen Escort – How I Became One

‘I Lost My Virginity To An Alien’

Fantasies come in all shapes and sizes. There are the normal ones like having a threesome or banging your teacher, and then there are the more strange ones. However, you can then take these weird fantasies and convince yourself they are real. This is what seems to have happened in the following story. Continue reading ‘I Lost My Virginity To An Alien’

Volunteers Get to Touch Porn Stars Boobs (Video)

Have you ever been watching a porn movie and wondered, ‘ what would it be like to feel a porn starts boobs?’ I certainly know I have. Well, a video has been released on Youtube which shows how normal people react when given the chance to touch up porn stars. Let’s just say, the results are fascinating. Continue reading Volunteers Get to Touch Porn Stars Boobs (Video)