As you might already know, I’m a huge fan of PornMD. It’s a fascinating site to visit, especially if you want to know about the type of porn different countries are searching for. You can look at the various porn trends and learn a little more about what we want.

Pornhub also like to do their own insights into searches made on the site. Using these two methods, I was able to find out about the porn Scotland searched for in 2017. It seems that lesbians and MILFs were really popular that year!
But what about now? Has anything changed? The answer is yes… but obviously that won’t be enough for you! You’ll want to know how, so keep reading to find out what Pornhub’s Scotland insights tell us.
The top searches
Straight off the bat I’m going to tell you that lesbian is the most popular search for Scotland in porn. This hasn’t changed from 2017, and to be honest I’m not surprised. However, Scottish has grown in popularity. Clearly, you are a very patriotic people, especially when it comes to porn! MILF is still popular, as is chav porn. Public sex seems to be a trending topic too, as both fake bus and London Underground make it into the top 20 for Scotland’s porn searches.
It seems that you love the idea of risky sex! Scotland does not escape the temptation of taboo, as step mom comes in at number 9 on the list. Surprisingly however, sex education is a top search. Whether this is because of Netflix’s hit show or simply because people are turning to porn to learn more, I don’t know.

Most viewed categories
Guess what? Lesbian is the most viewed category for Scotland. It is viewed 43% more in Scotland than the rest of the world. Amateur and mature are also popular, as are big dick and cartoon. What is the most surprising is the categories viewed more in Scotland than the rest of the world. British is searched there 540% of the time more in Scotland than anywhere else. Smoking is another popular option, with 152% more views in the country.
Mature, red head, and celebrity are other categories that Scots can’t seem to get enough of. The Scottish are also kinky it seems, as they have been looking at the bondage and fetish categories to inspire their jerking off sessions.
Visitor demographics
Pornhub decided to also look at who is viewing porn. Unsurprisingly, the vast majority were men. Men made up 76% of the visitors to the site, with women making up the other 24%. Not a lot of women are responsible for Scotland’s porn searches, it seems.
But what about ages? The highest number of views come from those aged 25 to 34, as they make up 40% of the audience. The next highest is the 35 to 44 category, with 18%. The closest after that is 45 to 54 year olds, who make up 17%. 18 to 24 (9%), 55 to 64 (10%) and 65+ (6%) don’t seem to search for porn as much.

Kilts and redheads
Kilts and Scotland go hand in hand, as does that gorgeous red hair. These both proved to be popular searches for the country, with kilt searches 152% more popular here. Redhead searches were 32% more popular, so clearly Scotland loves this stereotype in porn.
Honestly, I’m just happy that sexy men in kilts are represented in Scotland’s porn searches. I know that I have been guilty of searching for them a few times! What can I say? I love a Scottish accent, and if they have the looks to go with it, so be it! If you need me, I’ll be fantasising about Sam Heughan in ‘Outlander’.

The kinkiest areas of Scotland
It turns out that Scotland is a pretty kinky place. The people at Pornhub decided to look at three major cities to determine what people are most eager to look for. Amazingly, it seems that Glasgow is a relatively tame place for porn, as the most popular category there was SFW. Yes, Safe For Work was 36% more popular here!
Edinburgh loves diversity it seems, as Czech, Interracial, Asian, French, Japanese, and Indian make up a lot of their searches. However, Stirling is the kinkiest of them all, as they look at pissing 68% more than anywhere else. Wow!

Do your searches match up?
Given the results from last year, it seems that the times are changing! So I want to know about the searches you’ve been making. Do Scotland’s porn searches match up to your own? Are you a bit kinkier than your fellow Scots?
Let me know by leaving a comment in the box below. You can even tell me about your favourite Scottish porn.
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