Category Archives: News


Your Vasectomy Could Help Your Sex Life!

There are so many different reasons why someone might decide to have a vasectomy. Perhaps you want to enjoy sex without the worrying of making offspring, or maybe you already have a family and have decided that it is time to get the snip? Either way, a number of men feel as though their sex lives cease when they have the procedure. Continue reading Your Vasectomy Could Help Your Sex Life!

There’s A Festival In The UK For Swingers!

No matter what kind of things you enjoy in your life, there will be a festival or an event out there for you to attend. You’ll meet others who share your interests, and usually there are also vendors there selling things relevant to the lifestyle. Comic conventions have memorabilia for you to buy, fashion shows give you the chance to add things to your wardrobe… but these don’t compare to Swingfields. Continue reading There’s A Festival In The UK For Swingers!

Sex Witch Promises Couples Better Orgasms!

Usually when people talk about magic in the bedroom, we think about that incredible chemistry that turns you on the moment you see a person and the intensity of the sex you have with them. However, for some people they have different ideas. They hope to be able to cast a spell and suddenly have a better sex life. Continue reading Sex Witch Promises Couples Better Orgasms!