Meeting an escort is something they don’t teach in sex education class, and is not something every father or uncle can or will explain to his son or nephew. This leads to a real problem for guys wanting to visit escorts. Just what the hell do you do? This is why Escort Scotland is here to help! Continue reading A Guide To Meeting Escorts
How To Give a Woman Fantastic Oral
Commonly known as oral sex, licking the pussy or cunnilingus it’s meant to tantalize the senses of your woman and give her a mind blowing orgasm. Most women though shy about it the first time round, they are in fact more than happy to be pleasured by your mouth. Continue reading How To Give a Woman Fantastic Oral
Lies That Porn Has Told Us!
As a watcher of porn, and yet a lady, it occurred to me that just about every man in the world will at some point watch porn. More likely he will have a look at every possible opportunity, but still it made me wonder how this industry is shaping men and the sex they’re having? Continue reading Lies That Porn Has Told Us!
Weird Sexual Fantasies
Have you ever wondered if people would think you were kinky or a bit weird if they knew your secret fantasies? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. The truth is most adults have fantasies of some sort. We think about them but don’t normally discuss them. Some researchers say as many as 9 out of 10 of us have fantasies and the last one won’t admit to it as it is such a taboo subject. Continue reading Weird Sexual Fantasies
Sacked Gay Teacher Sues Catholic School
The issue with Catholicism and homosexuality has always been a debate that has caused a lot of deep feeling and anger. Can you be a Catholic and gay? It is a question that has been asked for almost as long as the religion has existed. Continue reading Sacked Gay Teacher Sues Catholic School
Pornhub Looks At How World Events Affect Porn Use!
In one of the more interesting info-graphics I have seen in a while, Pornhub have put have measured the impact of various worldwide events on the traffic numbers. The report was issued in late 2013 and what it shows is that there are certain world events where people actually pull their pants up, do up their zip and stop watching porn! Continue reading Pornhub Looks At How World Events Affect Porn Use!
Restaurant Offers Private Dining Area For Those Having An Affair!
Having an affair can be a tricky experience. You are spending time with someone who in reality you shouldn’t be spending that much time with. Those wanting a successful affair understandable don’t want to get caught, believe it or not. Continue reading Restaurant Offers Private Dining Area For Those Having An Affair!
How Not To Screw Up A Blowjob
Oral sex is one of those things that almost every guy loves. It may feel different to ‘penetrative’ sex, but is arguably even more intimate. A woman who does it well can make her man very happy indeed. Continue reading How Not To Screw Up A Blowjob
Albion Rovers Hold Rangers in the Cup!
In what was one of the biggest shocks in Scottish football history, Sunday afternoon saw little Albion Rovers hold mighty Glasgow giant Rangers to a draw in the quarter finals of the Scottish Cup. The 1-1 scoreline from Ibrox, sent shockwaves through the blue half of Glasgow, and was the cause of many a giggle around the rest of Scotland. Continue reading Albion Rovers Hold Rangers in the Cup!
Woman Joins Her Own Search Party!
A woman in Iceland found herself part of a 50 strong search party when one of the people on her coach went missing. However, little did she know that SHE was actually the person they were looking for! Continue reading Woman Joins Her Own Search Party!