We all know the Russians are a bit crazy. Maybe it is something to do with the blistering cold out there, but they just seem to be a little harder than us mere mortals. Yet one guy in Moscow took this braveness (or stupidity) to a whole new level. Continue reading Russian Man Nails His Balls to the Floor!
“I Fantasise About Sex with Old Obese men…No, Not Really”
One of the funniest stories I have read recently involved the case of Samantha Ovens. Samantha, a successful model whose past clients include Debenhams, Colgate and British Airways, allowed her image to be used on ‘stock images’. That is when disaster struck. Continue reading “I Fantasise About Sex with Old Obese men…No, Not Really”
Homosexuality in Rap and Hip Hop Music
Homosexuality in rap, hip-hop and Rn’B has always been a bit of a taboo subject. all genres have always been male dominated, and based on toughness and machismo. Think about it, could you really imagine Ice Cube in his NWA days, coming out as being gay? Of course not! Cube was too busy rapping about shooting people and ‘fucking the police’. Continue reading Homosexuality in Rap and Hip Hop Music
Five Tips for a One Night Stand
Most of us, at one point in our lives, have had a one night stand. For some of us it was great, a no strings attached encounter where everyone got what they were wanting out of it, and moved on. For others it is likely to have been a disaster. Continue reading Five Tips for a One Night Stand
How Not to get Caught Out When Visiting Escorts
It really is the nightmare scenario. If you get caught visiting one of the escorts on Escort Scotland, then you really could be sinking your battleship. Continue reading How Not to get Caught Out When Visiting Escorts
Ways to Leave your Lover
Do you remember the Paul Simon song “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover”? Slipping out of the back and hopping on a bus are both suggestions made in this song. However tempting they may be, opting for a more mature approach is usually recommended. Continue reading Ways to Leave your Lover
Welcome to the Escort Scotland Blog!
Welcome to the Escort Scotland blog, the best escort blog the Scottish escort industry has to offer. Continue reading Welcome to the Escort Scotland Blog!
The Sensual Art of Kissing
Kissing is one of life’s simplest pleasures – and we Scots cannot get enough of it. A recent survey by online dating site Zoosk concluded that over two thirds of Brits would kiss someone they’ve just met, and over half of us are comfortable enough to lock lips in public. Continue reading The Sensual Art of Kissing
Should you and your Partner Really have a Threesome?
Most men like the idea of a threesome. If you did a survey of guys, I would hazard a guess that a threesome would come out on top in any list of fantasies. It seems to have everything; you, two hot women, what else do you need to make an evening go with a bang? Continue reading Should you and your Partner Really have a Threesome?