Do Escorts Really Enjoy The Sex?

Clients love sex workers. If they didn’t, there wouldn’t be a sex industry. The question for many remains though, do the actual escorts enjoy the sex? For a number of people, this is important as if they really don’t want to be there, then that raises serious issues of the morality of the practice, and in certain scenarios, consent itself. Continue reading Do Escorts Really Enjoy The Sex?

5 Masturbation Challenges For November!

Certain months of the year get known for challenges we give ourselves in life. November is a pretty big one. For many it becomes “No Shave November”, where many people around the world will stop shaving in order to raise awareness of cancer and how many cancer patients will lose their hair through treatment. Continue reading 5 Masturbation Challenges For November!

Is it Moral To See Escorts?

It is a question which us in the sex industry have to deal with on a daily basis. Is it morally acceptable to see escorts for sex? It is something that those in the anti-sex work lobby like to focus on, claiming it is repugnant, and pushing for buying sex to be made illegal. But really, what is the truth about morality and paying to see escorts? Continue reading Is it Moral To See Escorts?

Five Tips To Make Semen Taste Good

It may have come from the porn industry, but in recent years it seems more and more men want to cum in a woman’s mouth. However, as with most things, porn doesn’t give a realistic view of what sex is really like. If you just take your penis out of a woman’s pussy and head straight to her mouth, in most cases the woman will be VERY unhappy. So that begs the question, do women actually like the taste of semen? Continue reading Five Tips To Make Semen Taste Good

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