Man With Smallest Penis in The UK Has an Amazing New Job!

You would think that being the guy with the smallest dick in the UK wasn’t fun. The insecurity when you are in bed with a woman, the pain of using a urinal in the local bar or public toilet; they will be things you grow up feeling embarrassed about. However, for one guy it has become a job opportunity. Continue reading Man With Smallest Penis in The UK Has an Amazing New Job!

Why Don’t Women See Escorts?

It has to be said, it is predominantly men who use sex workers. Yes, you may hear the occasional story of women booking a guy, but they are about as rare as hen’s teeth. This helps feed into the idea that the sex industry is ‘misogynistic’ and dominated by men who are having sex with women like they are pieces of meat. Though we know this is inherently wrong, it does lead to a big question. Why do men see escorts and women traditionally don’t? Continue reading Why Don’t Women See Escorts?

The Difference Between Escorts And One-Night Stands

Most of us will, at some point, have had a one-night stand. One-night stands are often seen as the goal of many nights out. Yes, some people go out just to have fun with friends, but for some they love the idea of pulling on a night out. Except these one-night stands come with plenty of risks. Continue reading The Difference Between Escorts And One-Night Stands

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