When we are feeling turned on, we often turn to porn. We’ll go to our favourite site, search for our favourite type of porn, and get watching. However, sometimes this isn’t enough. Traditional porn can become a little dull and repetitive at times, and so we need something different to watch. Continue reading Bored Of Traditional Porn? Try An Alternative
Women TWICE as likely as men to lose sex drive!
A new study is suggesting that women are twice as likely than men to lose interest in sex than men. Continue reading Women TWICE as likely as men to lose sex drive!
5 Tricks You Can Learn By Watching Porn
Pretty much everybody watches porn. Not all of us are happy to announce it, but you can bet that many people enjoy searching their favourite porn site in the hopes of finding something hot to watch while they masturbate. Watching porn is fun, but the media likes to suggest that it is bad for you. Continue reading 5 Tricks You Can Learn By Watching Porn
Why Do Most Sex Workers Choose The Sex Industry?
We are realists here at Escort Advertising, and we are well aware our industry has a bad rep in certain areas. One of these areas is the reasons that sex workers enter the industry in the first place. To be fair, these reasons spouted in the mainstream media often state that entry isn’t out of choice, or at best, it is the last chance saloon. Continue reading Why Do Most Sex Workers Choose The Sex Industry?
Stop Work Stress From Killing Your Sex Life!
It would be amazing if you were never left stressed or frustrated because of work. However, it doesn’t happen. Some days will go smoothly, while others leave you wanting to tear your hair out and throw in the towel. If that wasn’t bad enough, work stress also has a habit of killing the mood. Continue reading Stop Work Stress From Killing Your Sex Life!
I Want A Threesome: How Do I Make It Happen?
Having a threesome is the ultimate sexual fantasy. Ask anyone what it is they want to try in the bedroom, and many will tell you that they are hoping to have two people fuck them at the same time. It is a kinky fantasy and one that many are eager to explore. Continue reading I Want A Threesome: How Do I Make It Happen?
Red-haired Men Are Having More Sex!
For some people, they find that they have a preference for hair colour. They might like the idea of dating a petite blonde, or perhaps a tall brunette with a glint in their eyes. Many love red-haired people, as they have a fire that cannot be ignored. Continue reading Red-haired Men Are Having More Sex!
What Should You Do if an Escort Doesn’t Speak English?
When it comes to the escort industry, communication is key. Everything is about consent, and it is that ability to speak to each other about what you want/are allowed to do which makes the experience a comfortable, consensual one. This leads to the very important question, is it OK to meet an escort who doesn’t speak the native language? Continue reading What Should You Do if an Escort Doesn’t Speak English?
Sex Witch Promises Couples Better Orgasms!
Usually when people talk about magic in the bedroom, we think about that incredible chemistry that turns you on the moment you see a person and the intensity of the sex you have with them. However, for some people they have different ideas. They hope to be able to cast a spell and suddenly have a better sex life. Continue reading Sex Witch Promises Couples Better Orgasms!
Porn Is Good For You! Here’s 3 Reasons Why
It is something that pretty much all of us will admit to watching at some point or another. Some might happily announce that we love porn, while others might claim nothing more than a casual interest in it. But a lot of the time, pornography gets a lot of hate. Continue reading Porn Is Good For You! Here’s 3 Reasons Why