Sexy Role Plays Perfect For Beginners!

Sex can get pretty dull if we let it. It is so easy to fall into a routine. We’ll do the same things for foreplay without adding anything new to make it exciting again. You’ll find that it is very easy to repeat positions and things without trying to make it exciting again. We’ll get bored, which is why finding something new to try is such a good idea. Continue reading Sexy Role Plays Perfect For Beginners!

Top 5 Hot Tub Sex Positions Countdown

Right now, all of the newest Summer clothes are being displayed in Topman, and all of the Kopparbergs are being put in front of the main doors at Tesco. But before you head to the shop for sun cream, you should purchase something little bit different this year, like a hot tub. Why? Maybe for the Summer Sex that you will get? Continue reading Top 5 Hot Tub Sex Positions Countdown

The Craziest Things Women Have Heard in Bed

I have to say, I love Mumsnet. It is where women go to let loose, and is filled with a mixture of angry arguments about parenting styles, and women talking about sex. The site comes across as a place where the female gender go to vent their spline, and in doing so, relieve the need to scream at their kids. That is my theory anyway. Continue reading The Craziest Things Women Have Heard in Bed

7 Ways To Last Longer In Bed!

It can happen to anyone. You are really enjoying your sex session and suddenly it comes to an abrupt end with your orgasm. You don’t mean for it to happen, but premature ejaculation is one of the big worries men are facing when it comes to sex. They want to last longer in bed, but finding the right methods is tough. Continue reading 7 Ways To Last Longer In Bed!

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