The Craziest Things Women Have Heard in Bed

I have to say, I love Mumsnet. It is where women go to let loose, and is filled with a mixture of angry arguments about parenting styles, and women talking about sex. The site comes across as a place where the female gender go to vent their spline, and in doing so, relieve the need to scream at their kids. That is my theory anyway. Continue reading The Craziest Things Women Have Heard in Bed

7 Ways To Last Longer In Bed!

It can happen to anyone. You are really enjoying your sex session and suddenly it comes to an abrupt end with your orgasm. You don’t mean for it to happen, but premature ejaculation is one of the big worries men are facing when it comes to sex. They want to last longer in bed, but finding the right methods is tough. Continue reading 7 Ways To Last Longer In Bed!

How To Make A Woman Squirt

Porn movies have built part of our sex fantasies. You may want to know what it feels like when taking part in a threesome, or maybe you want to know how to make women shiver with pleasure as porn stars do. However, you need to know that there is a gap between movies and reality, and when it comes to squirting, we need to wonder if all women can ejaculate like porn stars. Continue reading How To Make A Woman Squirt

Why Threesomes Are Better With Escorts

When it comes to sex, there is a place for two, but also for three people. Threesomes are common fantasies for single people and for those who have a partner. In fact, it is general belief that all men want to have this experience at least once in their life, contrary to women. However, numbers don’t show this. Continue reading Why Threesomes Are Better With Escorts

Why Do People Kink-Shame?

Everyone has their own kinky interests in the bedroom. For the most part, we can accept that what we like in bed isn’t going to suit everyone. Some people find vanilla sex really boring. They think that it is incredibly dull and not exciting enough to keep them entertained. Then we have those with kinks who often experience kink-shame, simply for the things they love. Continue reading Why Do People Kink-Shame?

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