Ok, I’m going to answer that question. It feels like you’re on a completely different platform than all your other generation Y partners. I can only speak from my experiences of dating older guys. I’ve never dated a woman who’s 10 years my senior….yet. Continue reading How does it feel to be dating someone older than you? Let’s ask Zoe Jaspers
Enjoy Yourself After The Old Firm Semi Final!
This weekend, one of the most anticipated football games of the year will be played: the second semifinal of the Scottish Cup between Celtic and Rangers, which will take place at Hampden Park this Sunday at 12:00 pm. Continue reading Enjoy Yourself After The Old Firm Semi Final!
What are the Best Sex Positions to Lose Weight?
Everybody will agree that sex is a kind of exercise, maybe the most desirable one for all of us. In fact, the advantages of having sex are very similar to sports activities: your immune system is enhanced, so you barely get sick. Also, sex reduces anxiety and stress, wherewith it is great to start or end the day with sexual activities to be always with a smile on your face. Continue reading What are the Best Sex Positions to Lose Weight?
5 Sex Positions That Could Send You To Hospital!
You might have seen a few stories from “Sex Sent Me To The ER” and gone “that’ll never happen to me!”. After all, how many people think that microwaving a gummy bear and pouring the molten liquid onto their partner’s chest is a good idea? The issue is that you could still end up paying a visit to the hospital even during vanilla sex… simply because of the sex position you’ve chosen. Continue reading 5 Sex Positions That Could Send You To Hospital!
Safe Sex – How To Perform it With Escorts
The Internet is full of people who tell their experiences about everything. When it comes to dating with an escort, there is a recurring question from people who are worried about their health: how to practice safe sex with them? The next lines are for those who are looking for dating with escorts in the safest way. Continue reading Safe Sex – How To Perform it With Escorts
Is Loud Sex Really A Problem?
At some point in your life, loud sex will have been something you’ve experience in one way or another. You might have a neighbour who really likes to shout their partner’s name for the entire street to hear. Or perhaps you are guilty of getting a little vocal in the sheets. Continue reading Is Loud Sex Really A Problem?
Best Acts For BDSM Beginners
Vanilla sex can get boring after a while. So many people out there want to spice up their sex lives by injecting some excitement into it. That excitement often comes in the form of kink… but for BDSM beginners, stepping into the world of domination can be intimidating. Continue reading Best Acts For BDSM Beginners
Girl Makes Guys Fill Out Intense Application Form if They Want To Date Her
I was having a chat with Zoe Jaspers a few days ago. We got onto dating apps, and how they affect the whole experienced. I felt that many of them wanted us to find our clones in the opposite sex, and to be fair, I would hate to meet a female equivalent of myself. I would just be so annoying. Continue reading Girl Makes Guys Fill Out Intense Application Form if They Want To Date Her
Should We Decriminalise Sex Work?
It seems that almost everybody has an opinion about sex work. Some people know very little about the subject, and take what they hear in the newspapers and what they see in sensationalised TV shows as gospel. Others work in the industry or know those who do and so form their opinions based on that. But the debate about whether we should criminalise or decriminalise sex work is constantly debated. Continue reading Should We Decriminalise Sex Work?
Chechnya is Rounding Up Gay People Into Concentration Camps – Here is How You Can Help Stop It
Here at the Escort Scotland blog, we like to keep things fun. Yes, we have serious articles about sexual health and such things, but the subject matter is normally light hearted, and we delight in giving our readers a chance to get away from the worries of the world. However, this story coming from Chechnya regarding the alleged arrest and detaining of gay people in concentration camps is a story I feel we need to speak out on. Continue reading Chechnya is Rounding Up Gay People Into Concentration Camps – Here is How You Can Help Stop It