There are so many reasons why somebody might decide that they want to spend some time with dominatrixes. For many they are curious about why this might be. Why would somebody want to be whipped, chained up, or humiliated by someone else? Continue reading Why Do People Visit Dominatrixes?
4 Things You’ll See In Almost Every Porn Video!
Most of us will happily admit that we watch porn. Some pay for it, while others will use free content to find the things they really like to watch. However, after a while it can seem a little repetitive. You’ll encounter some of the same things in each porn video you watch. Continue reading 4 Things You’ll See In Almost Every Porn Video!
How To Make A Woman Squirt
Porn movies have built part of our sex fantasies. You may want to know what it feels like when taking part in a threesome, or maybe you want to know how to make women shiver with pleasure as porn stars do. However, you need to know that there is a gap between movies and reality, and when it comes to squirting, we need to wonder if all women can ejaculate like porn stars. Continue reading How To Make A Woman Squirt
Why Threesomes Are Better With Escorts
When it comes to sex, there is a place for two, but also for three people. Threesomes are common fantasies for single people and for those who have a partner. In fact, it is general belief that all men want to have this experience at least once in their life, contrary to women. However, numbers don’t show this. Continue reading Why Threesomes Are Better With Escorts
Why Do People Kink-Shame?
Everyone has their own kinky interests in the bedroom. For the most part, we can accept that what we like in bed isn’t going to suit everyone. Some people find vanilla sex really boring. They think that it is incredibly dull and not exciting enough to keep them entertained. Then we have those with kinks who often experience kink-shame, simply for the things they love. Continue reading Why Do People Kink-Shame?
How does it feel to be dating someone older than you? Let’s ask Zoe Jaspers
Ok, I’m going to answer that question. It feels like you’re on a completely different platform than all your other generation Y partners. I can only speak from my experiences of dating older guys. I’ve never dated a woman who’s 10 years my senior….yet. Continue reading How does it feel to be dating someone older than you? Let’s ask Zoe Jaspers
Enjoy Yourself After The Old Firm Semi Final!
This weekend, one of the most anticipated football games of the year will be played: the second semifinal of the Scottish Cup between Celtic and Rangers, which will take place at Hampden Park this Sunday at 12:00 pm. Continue reading Enjoy Yourself After The Old Firm Semi Final!
What are the Best Sex Positions to Lose Weight?
Everybody will agree that sex is a kind of exercise, maybe the most desirable one for all of us. In fact, the advantages of having sex are very similar to sports activities: your immune system is enhanced, so you barely get sick. Also, sex reduces anxiety and stress, wherewith it is great to start or end the day with sexual activities to be always with a smile on your face. Continue reading What are the Best Sex Positions to Lose Weight?
5 Sex Positions That Could Send You To Hospital!
You might have seen a few stories from “Sex Sent Me To The ER” and gone “that’ll never happen to me!”. After all, how many people think that microwaving a gummy bear and pouring the molten liquid onto their partner’s chest is a good idea? The issue is that you could still end up paying a visit to the hospital even during vanilla sex… simply because of the sex position you’ve chosen. Continue reading 5 Sex Positions That Could Send You To Hospital!
Safe Sex – How To Perform it With Escorts
The Internet is full of people who tell their experiences about everything. When it comes to dating with an escort, there is a recurring question from people who are worried about their health: how to practice safe sex with them? The next lines are for those who are looking for dating with escorts in the safest way. Continue reading Safe Sex – How To Perform it With Escorts