The Five Biggest Celebrity Sex Tape Leaks

In light of hearing about Joel Dommett’s leaked sex tape on ‘I’m a Celebrity…’, there have been a lot of cases of celebrities and A-list Stars suing their bitter exes and sleazy companies because they couldn’t deal with their emotional issues. Well, it was either they couldn’t deal with their issues, or they wanted a big cut from their bank accounts. Yeah, I’m cynical. Deal with it. Continue reading The Five Biggest Celebrity Sex Tape Leaks

Sex Workers Rights: What You Need To Know

As an escort, you’ll know how difficult it can be to know your rights. The laws on sex work change from country to country, making it difficult to know your sex workers rights. Knowing your rights is important. It can help you stay safe and happy when working. But what is it that you need to know? Continue reading Sex Workers Rights: What You Need To Know

Have A Kinky Christmas With The Sex Toy Advent Calendar

Unless you are a hermit, you will know that Christmas is coming. The shops are already stocking Christmas gifts for you to buy, festive decorations so you can deck the halls, and the songs are on the radio. It can be tough to get into the spirit of things when the season is assaulting you from all sides. Thankfully, things that advent calendars can really help to ease you into the holidays. Continue reading Have A Kinky Christmas With The Sex Toy Advent Calendar

The Hottest Melania Trump Naked Photos Ever (Photos)

There are very few good things about Donald Trump becoming President. Yes, we won’t be going to war with Russia anytime soon, but when you look at how his campaign was mired in racism and sexism allegations (and no, not all Trump voters are racists and sexists) one suspects that America has made a regressive step. However, there is certainly one good thing about Trump becoming President, and that is the new First Lady, his wife, Melania Trump. Continue reading The Hottest Melania Trump Naked Photos Ever (Photos)

6 Rookie Mistakes Punters Make

Escorts expect and deserve a certain standard of behaviour, so when punters don’t deliver on it, it can turn a date sour. It can be something as simple as not arriving to the date on time to being so disrespectful that they ask you to leave. You might think you know the kind of behaviours that are unacceptable, but it seems that there are some rookie mistakes punters are making. Continue reading 6 Rookie Mistakes Punters Make

A Day in The Life of a Pornstar!

It’s normal for people to judge others that work in an industry or market that’s different to theirs. Guys that work in retail would often express their envy towards office clerks that work from 9-5, Monday to Friday. And office clerks that work from 9-5 would often express their envy at freelancers that can work from home, and start at whatever time they’d want. Continue reading A Day in The Life of a Pornstar!

Teacher Quits Over Schoolgirl Porn Appearances!

Here at Escort Scotland, we have had a number of debates as to whether schoolgirl fantasies are dodgy or not. For some, it is just exploring a fantasy, and no real harm is done. For others it is just one step away from kiddie fiddling. It is an argument which will never end. One thing is for certain though. it will always leave you on funny ground with some people, as this schoolteacher from Russia found to her cost recently. Continue reading Teacher Quits Over Schoolgirl Porn Appearances!

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