The Top 8 Places To Visit With A Glasgow Escort

Ah, Glasgow. Who wouldn’t want to spend some of their leisure time in this thriving, magnificent city in Scotland? It’s a place where you can buy the perfect kilt, drink the finest Scotch Whiskey and enjoy the company of every Glaswegian escort that lives in the city. Continue reading The Top 8 Places To Visit With A Glasgow Escort

Ten Hilarious Erotic Words From The Urban Dictionary!

New English words arrive every day in fascinating ways. The English language is guilty of borrowing words from other languages like café, and of making new words from an imitation of a sound like boom and oink. New words can arise from a marriage of existing words like cupcake and gastropub. New words are often born from blending parts of words together like in the word, brunch or by adding prefixes and suffixes like in the words ‘unfriend’, and through respelling like in the word, phat. Many of these words come from one source: Urban Dictionary. Continue reading Ten Hilarious Erotic Words From The Urban Dictionary!

An Orgasm a Day Helps Keep Prostate Cancer Away!

It’s been said that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Now sexy science is saying, twerking one out once a day keeps prostate cancer away. Scientists in sexy white lab jackets claim that orgasms flush out cancer causing chemicals and old cells. Let it be known, the sexy urge to work one out is not only natural, it’s healthy and beneficial. An orgasm a day keeps your prostate purring like a souped up engine on a tricked out ride that is ready for another spin around the block. Continue reading An Orgasm a Day Helps Keep Prostate Cancer Away!

Spice Things Up With Budget Sex Toys

Sex can get boring, and we can fall into a routine. When this happens, we want to find something to make things more exciting and add that little bit of spice back to our sex lives. Games can help, but often things like toys can make a huge difference. However, toys can be expensive, so we all hope to find the best budget sex toys to keep things exciting. Continue reading Spice Things Up With Budget Sex Toys

Studies Show Frequent Sex Makes You Healthier

We love having sex, but life sometimes has other plans. It can get in the way, making it hard for us to enjoy a little passionate fun with our partner or partners. Finding the time for frequent sex is tough, but studies suggest that we really should be making the time for more sex. Continue reading Studies Show Frequent Sex Makes You Healthier

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