An Orgasm a Day Helps Keep Prostate Cancer Away!

It’s been said that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Now sexy science is saying, twerking one out once a day keeps prostate cancer away. Scientists in sexy white lab jackets claim that orgasms flush out cancer causing chemicals and old cells. Let it be known, the sexy urge to work one out is not only natural, it’s healthy and beneficial. An orgasm a day keeps your prostate purring like a souped up engine on a tricked out ride that is ready for another spin around the block. Continue reading An Orgasm a Day Helps Keep Prostate Cancer Away!

Spice Things Up With Budget Sex Toys

Sex can get boring, and we can fall into a routine. When this happens, we want to find something to make things more exciting and add that little bit of spice back to our sex lives. Games can help, but often things like toys can make a huge difference. However, toys can be expensive, so we all hope to find the best budget sex toys to keep things exciting. Continue reading Spice Things Up With Budget Sex Toys

Studies Show Frequent Sex Makes You Healthier

We love having sex, but life sometimes has other plans. It can get in the way, making it hard for us to enjoy a little passionate fun with our partner or partners. Finding the time for frequent sex is tough, but studies suggest that we really should be making the time for more sex. Continue reading Studies Show Frequent Sex Makes You Healthier

“The Girlfriend Experience” Shows Escorting As It Is

The new TV show “The Girlfriend Experience” created frenzy among people all over the world. An amalgam of reviews, opposite opinions, applauds, and critics followed the first episode of this new TV series. We have to agree that, though this is far from being the first TV series that has escorting as the main subject, it does offer a different point of view. Continue reading “The Girlfriend Experience” Shows Escorting As It Is

What Do Porn Stars Masturbate To? (Video)

From being considered a sin and the reason for a bunch of diseases, masturbation is now in most places of the world considered good for releasing stress and tension. Fortunately, most people stopped feeling ashamed of their naughty hand play and admit that they play with their private areas. And what the majority of people masturbate to? Porn, of course! Continue reading What Do Porn Stars Masturbate To? (Video)

John Whittingdale And The Sex Work Stigma

Recently, it has been uncovered that Culture Secretary John Whittingdale has had a relationship with an escort. Shock horror, people spend time with sex workers. This news has really divided the country, with many people, including Labour party members, calling for him to step away from any decisions involving press regulation, and a few believe he should step down completely. Why? Well, it is all to do with the sex work stigma and the fact that this news could have influenced him in some way. Continue reading John Whittingdale And The Sex Work Stigma

Top 5 Perks Of Being A Dominatrix

We live in a time where women are free to pursue whatever job or career that they’d want. Not every lady likes to stay at home, doing the house chores and making a martini cocktail for their husbands when they get back home from work; we don’t live in the 1950’s anymore! Some like to take control and become a dominatrix. Continue reading Top 5 Perks Of Being A Dominatrix

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