We might all hope that everything runs smoothly in the bedroom, but that isn’t always the case. We might have to deal with a number of difficult penis problems, and every single one of them can ruin our self confidence. They make us feel as though we just aren’t good enough in bed and that, no matter what we do, we can’t satisfy our partner. It makes us feel awful, but there are actually ways that you can deal with these problems to make things better for you in the bedroom. Continue reading Dealing With Common Penis Problems
What is it With Guys and Threesomes?
I have been asked the question so many times that I have lost count. I would start seeing a guy, have a few evenings at the bar with him and then a couple of nights later, we end up getting frisky underneath the bedsheets. Continue reading What is it With Guys and Threesomes?
Can You Have Great Sex After 40?
Do you think that the amount of sex you are having depends on your age? Are you expecting to suddenly stop enjoying sex when you reach 40? Don’t worry, nobody is judging you since there are an impressive number of people who believe that only the young are having active sexual lives. Continue reading Can You Have Great Sex After 40?
Man Dies During Sex: Prostitute Still Attached!
For pretty much every single one of us, the idea of dying during sex is a bit of a scary one. We might joke that popping it during orgasm is the way that we want to go, but never do we actually think that it is something that could happen. For one man, his romp with a prostitute turned, well, deadly, when he actually died in the middle of the hot and steamy sex session. Sounds pretty terrifying, doesn’t it? Would you believe that it actually gets worse? Continue reading Man Dies During Sex: Prostitute Still Attached!
How To use a Vibrator!
No vibrator will ever replace a real person, but there are some very interesting toys that, once in a while, can make “bed time stories“ hotter and more interesting. Also, using the vibrating toy can help many women to reach orgasm, even though they usually have trouble with climaxing. Continue reading How To use a Vibrator!
Escort Safety Tips And Security Advice
People choose to go into escorting for a huge number of reasons. Many enjoy the freedom it gives them to choose their own clients, working hours, and rates. The control is in their hands, and they are the ones who decide whether a client will get to see them or not on a date. Unfortunately, there are many out there who simply don’t understand escorting, and so their actions can actually make things dangerous for escorts. That is why knowing the right escort safety tips can really help you. Continue reading Escort Safety Tips And Security Advice
Why Do Women Like Rough Sex?
I remember having a couple of conversations with some of my girlfriends at our favourite coffee shop in town about the subject of sex a couple of years ago. Me and my friends were practically the girls from ‘Sex and the City’! Continue reading Why Do Women Like Rough Sex?
Does Seeing Escorts Make Me a Loser?
Let’s face it, there are voices in that head of yours. They whisper, they sing, they moan and they scream. Some are polite, some are rude, some are funny, some are crude yet they all make you the eccentric, eclectic prism of perspective that you are. Continue reading Does Seeing Escorts Make Me a Loser?
It’s Time to Enjoy Giving a Massage!
You probably crazy about receiving a massage, aren’t you? Nobody can refuse a sexy kneading. But are you as excited about giving a massage as you are when it comes to getting one? Most people have a negative answer to this question though they never actually thought about it this way. Continue reading It’s Time to Enjoy Giving a Massage!
The Dark Effects of Porn
I am sure you already know the benefits brought to your sexual life by pornography. For many of you, Pornhub is just like Youtube is for the rest of us. But are you aware of the negative effects of watching porn? Continue reading The Dark Effects of Porn