Viagra Is Now Not Just For Men!

When you hear about Viagra you think about the little blue pill that can do wonders to a man’s sex life when used properly. Well, now there is a new “female Viagra” that could do the same for women, and this week it seems that the Food and Drug Administration will be deciding what to do with this miracle drug. Continue reading Viagra Is Now Not Just For Men!

Man Busted for Picking up Prostitute With Kids in the Car!

In what can only be described as a candidate for the world piece of parenting we have seen all year, a man has been busted for leaving his kids in the car whilst he went up to a motel room to have sex with a prostitute. Unfortunately for out ‘Father of the Year’, it turned out the sex worker was in-fact an undercover policewoman. Continue reading Man Busted for Picking up Prostitute With Kids in the Car!

Celebs Vs. #PledgeDecrim

You might know Amnesty International as just one of those charities that you’ll see out in town, the ones who try to stop you to talk about what they do, but often we walk on by saying how busy we are and that we aren’t interested. Well, it seems that there is a new reason to take notice of what they are doing, as they have started the #PledgeDecrim campaign. Continue reading Celebs Vs. #PledgeDecrim

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