Over the last month there has been a huge debate over whether the sex industry should be decriminalised or not. We have always campaigned for that, and we have been joined by Amnesty International. The human rights group agree that the safety of the men and women who work in the industry should take priority over any moralising. Continue reading Man Threatens Prostitute with Arrest to Get Sex
Bursting The Biggest Porn Watching Myths!
Porn has a pretty poor reputation, and to be honest we can kind of understand why. In the deepest and darkest corners of the internet there are some pretty disturbing porn videos to watch, and these videos make others believe that all porn is like that. Continue reading Bursting The Biggest Porn Watching Myths!
Women Have Topless March in New York!
Woman’s breasts have been bared all over the world, including in New York’s iconic Times Square as part of ‘World Nipple Day’. This is all part of a supposed drive for equality and feminism. Continue reading Women Have Topless March in New York!
Gay Users Fear Death in Ashley Madison Leak
When all the hacked Ashley Madison information was leaked last week, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to work out that it was going to cause problems in many households all over the world. As was expected, divorce proceeding are now taking place in every country where this website has a presence. It is of course extremely sad for those involved. I’m not going to get involved in the ‘it’s their own fault’ mantra that is going round. Everyone has the right to privacy. Continue reading Gay Users Fear Death in Ashley Madison Leak
Ashley Madison Customer Details Leaked
Well we probably realised it was going to happen at some point or another. On Tuesday, all the customer information from the date theft of cheating site Ashley Madison was dumped on the dark web. Continue reading Ashley Madison Customer Details Leaked
Viagra Is Now Not Just For Men!
When you hear about Viagra you think about the little blue pill that can do wonders to a man’s sex life when used properly. Well, now there is a new “female Viagra” that could do the same for women, and this week it seems that the Food and Drug Administration will be deciding what to do with this miracle drug. Continue reading Viagra Is Now Not Just For Men!
The Raunchiest Sex Play Ever!
Last week saw what we hope ends up being a pivotal moment in the fight for equality for sex workers. For those who don’t know, Amnesty International decided to push for the decriminalisation of sex work. If this does happen, then the safety of men and women will be improved greatly. It really is a progressive step. Continue reading The Raunchiest Sex Play Ever!
Guy Caught Watching Porn in Lecture (Video)
In one of the funniest things I have seen on the internet in a long, long time, a video has gone viral which features a guy getting busted watching porn in his university lecture. Continue reading Guy Caught Watching Porn in Lecture (Video)
5 Tips To Get Her To Orgasm
The amount of people out there who brag about their prowess in the bedroom and then can’t deliver is shocking, and as a woman I find it unacceptable the amount of men I’ve been with who give up trying to get me to orgasm if I haven’t done it in two minutes. Continue reading 5 Tips To Get Her To Orgasm
Man Busted for Picking up Prostitute With Kids in the Car!
In what can only be described as a candidate for the world piece of parenting we have seen all year, a man has been busted for leaving his kids in the car whilst he went up to a motel room to have sex with a prostitute. Unfortunately for out ‘Father of the Year’, it turned out the sex worker was in-fact an undercover policewoman. Continue reading Man Busted for Picking up Prostitute With Kids in the Car!