The Dating Site for Big Dicks!

It has become apparent that dating sites have become more popular of the years. What was once seen as the realm of desperado’s who were completely incapable of getting a partner, has now become a place where loads of people go. Maybe it is something to do with the fact that it is easier to meet someone online than it is in a noisy pub, or maybe it is more to do with our more complex work schedules? Continue reading The Dating Site for Big Dicks!

Twitter Q&A For New 50 Shades Gets Awkward!

If you mention the 50 Shades of Grey series on the Escort Scotland forums, you’ll find yourself under a wave of opinions. Many find the contents of the books and movies to be questionable and not at all accurate to the world of BDSM, while others admit they are simply guilty pleasures to read. Continue reading Twitter Q&A For New 50 Shades Gets Awkward!

Does Double Sex Make You Happier?

The formula to a male happiness is no real mystery other than to women who assume that we’re these three dimensional character with feelings, dreams and ambitions. But they’re stupid – actual spiritual fulfilment is just the cherry on the cake to the real prize that we seek because, in reality, a good portion of male happiness can be boiled down to the following formula: Continue reading Does Double Sex Make You Happier?

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