The Swedish model is slowly spreading around the world, with Romania, Iceland, and as of the 1st of the month, Northern Ireland taking on this ban on those buying sex. Many countries are looking at the law and wondering whether taking it on will make a difference for them. Continue reading Will Paying For Sex Be Banned In The UK?
Sex Dolls With AI. What Could Go Wrong?
Sex dolls are becoming more and more popular as time goes by. They are created to look more realistic than ever, but there is still something missing – a personality and voice. Continue reading Sex Dolls With AI. What Could Go Wrong?
Does Double Sex Make You Happier?
The formula to a male happiness is no real mystery other than to women who assume that we’re these three dimensional character with feelings, dreams and ambitions. But they’re stupid – actual spiritual fulfilment is just the cherry on the cake to the real prize that we seek because, in reality, a good portion of male happiness can be boiled down to the following formula: Continue reading Does Double Sex Make You Happier?
Theatre Critic Attacks Sex Work Play
The sex industry has been going mainstream for quite a while. It’s increasingly becoming a talked about subject, no longer hidden in the bottom rungs of society. And nothing could be more evident of its spread into the core pillars of our modern world than its entrance into the arts. Continue reading Theatre Critic Attacks Sex Work Play
Feminism and the Sex Industry
When most people think about modern feminism, the last thing they’d ever associate it with is the sex industry. They’re pretty much polar opposites, at least on the surface. The latter is accused of embodying every hardship and patriarchal nuisance that the former stands against. But as with all such movements, there is a dissension of opinion about the sex industry, and about escorts in particular. Continue reading Feminism and the Sex Industry
Laura Lee – Lies, Damn Lies and TORL Statistics
Following Stormont’s passing into law of Lord Morrow’s prohibitionist measure not so cunningly disguised as saving the victims of trafficking, it’s not surprising that the various anti sex work groups in the Republic have jumped on the back of that. Why, less than twenty four hours after the law came in, the ICI are claiming that this has already resulted in a mass exodus of sex workers across the border. Continue reading Laura Lee – Lies, Damn Lies and TORL Statistics
Erotic Stories – Italian Persuasion
Monday morning again and the smell of morning coffee is breezing through the office. Standing in the kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil, wearing a short, but not too short, tight pencil skirt with skin coloured tights and a light, chiffon free-flowing blouse, I felt a sudden rush of Goosebumps. It was like someone was watching me. Continue reading Erotic Stories – Italian Persuasion
And The Nations Fave Sex Position is….
A survey conducted by Ann Summers has come as close as I think we are going to get for a while in determining what the nations favourite sexual positions are, and where we most like to have sex. Continue reading And The Nations Fave Sex Position is….
Laura Lee – Sex Workers Say No To Criminalisation
Today, June 1st, the Sex Workers Alliance Ireland (SWAI) expresses its serious concern on legislation criminalizing the purchase of sex now in effect in Northern Ireland. Continue reading Laura Lee – Sex Workers Say No To Criminalisation
Are We Ready For Movies About Sex Work?
Think about the movies that you know are themed around sex work. Most of you will instantly think about the movie ‘Pretty Woman’, which we all know is not a true representation of what the industry is actually like. Continue reading Are We Ready For Movies About Sex Work?