Just last week we were talking about the man who had two girlfriends and they were in a very open relationship. We can all pretty much agree that he is the luckiest man in the world, because I’m pretty sure we’d all like a piece of that action. Continue reading Can Open Relationships Work?
Sex Shop To Open In Mecca!
When you think of the Muslim holy city of Mecca, you tend to think of the pilgrimage that many undertake to visit this magnificent place, and the holy and religious connections it has. What you don’t think about is a sex shop. Continue reading Sex Shop To Open In Mecca!
You Should Have Sex In The Morning
Like we need to give you an excuse! We here at the Escort Scotland blog have heard a lot of talk lately about when the best time to have sex is, and we began to wonder just what it is that makes this time of day so good for sex. Continue reading You Should Have Sex In The Morning
Man Smashed Laptop When Mum Nearly Catches Him In The Act – Pornhub Replaces It!
I remember when I was living at home and I was ‘getting to know’ porn. I may well be giving away my age, but I had to worry about buying magazines. It was a totally embarrassing experience. As soon as you slapped the porno mag down on the desk, you might as well have shouted out to the person behind the counter ‘hey, I am going home for a wank’. Continue reading Man Smashed Laptop When Mum Nearly Catches Him In The Act – Pornhub Replaces It!
Woman Records Sex Noises For Porn Movies!
Have you ever wondered how the noises for porno videos are actually made? You know what I mean, all those screams, sucking noises and other such things sound so unnatural. If you actually tried to make them whilst having sex, then you would likely fail. Continue reading Woman Records Sex Noises For Porn Movies!
The Man With The Perfect Threesome!
If you have ever had a threesome, you will consider yourself lucky. It is one of the most popular fantasies men have, and finding two sexy women willing to join you can be something of a challenge. Continue reading The Man With The Perfect Threesome!
Silver Porn On The Rise!
When we think of porn stars, we tend to think of young and sexy women, eager to please and showing off their perfect, hairless bodies to the camera. We don’t think of silver-haired foxes taking the limelight and showing what they have to offer. Continue reading Silver Porn On The Rise!
Woman To Divorce Husband Using Facebook!
The internet is a weird place, and we do occasionally hear rumours of what has happened on social media lately, or about people calling the police over something someone said on Facebook. But did you know you can now get divorced using Facebook? Continue reading Woman To Divorce Husband Using Facebook!
Can Politicians Really Be Sexy?
Lately it seems as though we’ve been bombarded by politics and politicians, with every news article, Facebook post and rumour relating to what has been said during the TV debate and the promises made in the run up to the general election. Continue reading Can Politicians Really Be Sexy?
Forget Your Daily Apple: You Should Be Having Sex!
They say that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but scientists have come forward to say that you might be able to ignore the apple and instead have sex. YES! Continue reading Forget Your Daily Apple: You Should Be Having Sex!