If you have ever had a threesome, you will consider yourself lucky. It is one of the most popular fantasies men have, and finding two sexy women willing to join you can be something of a challenge. Continue reading The Man With The Perfect Threesome!
Silver Porn On The Rise!
When we think of porn stars, we tend to think of young and sexy women, eager to please and showing off their perfect, hairless bodies to the camera. We don’t think of silver-haired foxes taking the limelight and showing what they have to offer. Continue reading Silver Porn On The Rise!
Woman To Divorce Husband Using Facebook!
The internet is a weird place, and we do occasionally hear rumours of what has happened on social media lately, or about people calling the police over something someone said on Facebook. But did you know you can now get divorced using Facebook? Continue reading Woman To Divorce Husband Using Facebook!
Can Politicians Really Be Sexy?
Lately it seems as though we’ve been bombarded by politics and politicians, with every news article, Facebook post and rumour relating to what has been said during the TV debate and the promises made in the run up to the general election. Continue reading Can Politicians Really Be Sexy?
Forget Your Daily Apple: You Should Be Having Sex!
They say that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but scientists have come forward to say that you might be able to ignore the apple and instead have sex. YES! Continue reading Forget Your Daily Apple: You Should Be Having Sex!
Have We Really Lost Interest In Sex?
“No” might be the short answer you want to give to that question, but it seems like that answer might not be right, after a recent study has suggested that we have become so dissatisfied with our sex lives that we have just lost all interest in sex. Continue reading Have We Really Lost Interest In Sex?
Does Cheating Have Its Benefits?
It happens – people cheat. Everyone has their reasons for doing it, but affairs aren’t uncommon anymore. Maybe you are someone who is currently having an affair, or you have a partner who has had one, but cheating is a big thing in many relationships. Continue reading Does Cheating Have Its Benefits?
Laura Lee Blog – Funding With a Capital F
Those of you who follow me on Twitter or have met me even once will know my favourite bug bear when it comes to sex workers’ “rescue” organisations is funding. Thousands upon thousands of pounds/Euros are poured into these organisations to “raise awareness”. It really annoys me, when you have women in Dublin in direct provision on nineteen Euros a week selling sex as a survival strategy and NGO’s swanning around in BMW’s, loudly declaring their dedication to help those poor, fallen women. Continue reading Laura Lee Blog – Funding With a Capital F
Tips From Escorts For Disabled Clients
With the way the media portrays the industry, it is hard enough being an escort or a client in it. It is even more challenging for disabled clients. Continue reading Tips From Escorts For Disabled Clients
Teacher Convicted of Sex With Four Boys!
I have to say, It seems like every month I pick up the newspaper and find a story of a female teacher having sex with her students. Seemingly not content with life at home, they get down and dirty with the poor unfortunate boys who will be tortured for the rest of their lives because of how bad they have been treated (sarcastic, me?) Continue reading Teacher Convicted of Sex With Four Boys!