The strangest news story of the day comes from Portland in the USA, where it seems the city will come to something of a standstill to ‘celebrate’ the world naked bike ride on Saturday June 7th. Continue reading The World Naked Bike Ride Hits Portland, USA!
Three Myths That Stop You Getting Anal Sex
I love my wife, yet I see escorts. That may sound like a daft thing to say for people who are not part of the escort industry, but for the rest of us, it makes sense. Continue reading Three Myths That Stop You Getting Anal Sex
Cafe’s Refusal To Serve Gay Couple Goes Very Wrong!
Here at Escort Scotland, we have always been supporters of the LGBT community in their quest for equality and the same respect afforded to every other member of society. Still, we know that not everyone in the world shares our view on how things should be. Continue reading Cafe’s Refusal To Serve Gay Couple Goes Very Wrong!
Did Instagram Delete ‘Bum Selfie’ For Being Too Fat?
There was uproar on Instagram earlier this week, as the ‘bum selfie’ of Meghan Tonjes was deleted from it’s pages. The move brought on a wave of critisism, with many accusing Instagram of deleting her photo because she was ‘too fat’ for their liking. Continue reading Did Instagram Delete ‘Bum Selfie’ For Being Too Fat?
Boyband Parody ADAM’s ‘Orgasm Whilst Singing’ Video
Earlier this month, the Escort Scotland blog brought you the video by Dutch girlband ‘ADAM’ who sang their new song Go to Go ,whilst pleasuring themselves off camera, and bringing themselves to orgasm. Well, it is no surprise that it didn’t take long for a parody to come out. Continue reading Boyband Parody ADAM’s ‘Orgasm Whilst Singing’ Video
The Problem With The #Yesallwomen Hashtag
Anyone who has been on Twitter today will see the #yesallwomen hashtag. This has certainly caused a great deal of controversy, with opinions sharply divided on whether it is actually a good thing or not. Continue reading The Problem With The #Yesallwomen Hashtag
How to Prevent Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation is one of the worst things that can happen to a guy. It is most certainly one of the most embarrassing things that can to a man, and if it happens, it is important that the aftermath is dealt with correctly. Continue reading How to Prevent Premature Ejaculation
Five Reasons Big Boobs Can be Annoying!
You would think, with the way the press goes on, that every woman in the world would want big boobs. To be fair, that is only partially true. Women with smaller boobs tend to dream of mammoth breasts, but people with big boobs the size rather annoying. Continue reading Five Reasons Big Boobs Can be Annoying!
Hilarious Lawyer Letter Attacks Lawsuit By Porn Star!
A letter, purportedly from the lawyer of playboy Dan Bilzerian which was sent to the lawyer of a porn star who was trying to sue him for a bizarre incident where she was thrown off a roof has taken the world by storm. Continue reading Hilarious Lawyer Letter Attacks Lawsuit By Porn Star!
High School ‘Vagina Inspection’ Prank Has Police Investigating!
Here at Escort Scotland, we love a bit of humour. That is why we found this particular story coming out of America absolutely hilarious. Continue reading High School ‘Vagina Inspection’ Prank Has Police Investigating!