We all know that seeing escorts is a lot of fun. We get to meet women(or men) who we usually could only dream about, or see in magazines. However, one thing that isn’t fun is getting busted seeing escorts. In fact, that can have a devastating effect on our relationships at home. Yes we may be able to compartmentalise love and sex, but most of our wives and girlfriends may not see the funny side if they realise we have been seeing other women. Continue reading How Clients Can Avoid Getting Caught Meeting Escorts
Tag Archives: client advice
What Should You Do if Blackmailed Over Seeing Escorts?
I sat down on Monday night to watch a really fascinating programme on Channel 4. It was called ’24 Hours in Police Custody’ and it centred around a blackmail attempt on a man who used a sex worker. Continue reading What Should You Do if Blackmailed Over Seeing Escorts?
How To Spend New Year’s Eve With an Escort
I have to say, I have never been a massive fan of New Year’s Eve. Nights usually consisted of paying too much to get into a shite nightclub, drunk people in a crappy pub, or a tedious house party. In the end many people just wait for midnight just so they can go to bed. However, help could be at hand. In short, why don’t you book the company of an escort for new year? Continue reading How To Spend New Year’s Eve With an Escort