More and more women are paying male escorts to satisfy their needs and desires. Unlike some people believe, the reason why women choose to spend their time off this way is not that there are so unattractive and desperate that they are forced to seek paid affection.
Continue reading The Rise Of Male Escorts In The 21st CenturyTag Archives: escort industry
The Day in the Life of an Escort on the Grind
We’ve all seen Secret Diary of a Call Girl. The saucy, in-depth look at how one escort lives her daily life. The en suite hotel rooms and infamous politicians; the razor-sharp heels and little black dresses. It was one of the first, unabashed shows to reveal insights into what it was truly like to be an escort. It’s a cult phenomenon, but how accurate is it?
Continue reading The Day in the Life of an Escort on the GrindThe Pros And Cons Of Independent And Agency Escort
When it comes to dating escorts, everyone has their preferences. You might prefer to spend time with an independent escort, or you might find that you feel more comfortable with an escort in an agency. Continue reading The Pros And Cons Of Independent And Agency Escort