You can’t have quality sex without quality foreplay. Let’s face it, as difficult as this sentence might sound, it stands true no matter what you say. Everybody has heard tales of the multiple orgasms that women are able to achieve, while men are only able to get one. However, how do you get a woman to orgasm numerous times in one go? Surely you can’t do that by just having sex with her? Continue reading Five Tips to Quality Foreplay
Tag Archives: Foreplay
Top Sex Games for Foreplay
We are all guilty of rushing sex – our lives are increasingly becoming more and more hectic and so we are devoting less time to the bedroom. Remember, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. So start making some extra time for play! Once in a while, invest you time in foreplay, which is guaranteed to make the main event even better for you both. Continue reading Top Sex Games for Foreplay