More and more women are paying male escorts to satisfy their needs and desires. Unlike some people believe, the reason why women choose to spend their time off this way is not that there are so unattractive and desperate that they are forced to seek paid affection.
Continue reading The Rise Of Male Escorts In The 21st CenturyTag Archives: male escorts
Are Male Escorts Who Have Sex With Men Gay?
Ever since I joined the Escort Advertising nearly five years ago, I have been continually learning. I now understand so much more about the sex industry, and many pre-conceptions have been thrown right out of the window. However, there are still certain questions which even I still struggle with. One of those occasions occurred this week when I had a conversation about whether a male escort who had sex with men was actually gay? It Is fair to say this is a complicated one. Continue reading Are Male Escorts Who Have Sex With Men Gay?
Does it Matter That Keith Vaz Saw Escorts? (Video)
I was on holiday this weekend and was attempting to keep abreast of what was going on in the world. To my shock, it turned out that Keith Vaz had been exposed by a national newspaper pf seeing two male escorts. From that moment I knew we had a major news story. Continue reading Does it Matter That Keith Vaz Saw Escorts? (Video)