The world of adult entertainment offers many avenues for exploration and enjoyment. However, responsible punting requires an understanding of the ethics and etiquette in the adult industry.
Continue reading Responsible Punting: Ethics and Etiquette in the Adult IndustryTag Archives: punters
The Questions Punters Need To Stop Asking Escorts!
I’m one of those people who likes to ask a lot of questions of others. As a curious person, I’ll want to know more about everything. I recently sat down with a friend in a polyamorous relationship and we had a very long and open discussion about what that meant for him. Continue reading The Questions Punters Need To Stop Asking Escorts!
Christmas Time – Do You Need To Book Escorts Early?
Just because Christmas is here doesn’t mean people stop wanting to see escorts. Yes we will have limited time shopping and other such things, but that doesn’t mean clients won’t want a few hours dedicated to themselves. However, one question we have been getting is whether you need to book the escorts in advance this Christmas? We mean more in advance than usual. Continue reading Christmas Time – Do You Need To Book Escorts Early?
Man Exposed Seeing Escorts After Pocket Dialling Partner
Here at Escort Scotland we give punters plenty of tips on how not to get caught seeing escorts. Doing it away from home, using a different phone, these are just two titbits which will help you keep your personal and escort life separate. However, we never mentioned being careful not to pocket dial your partner so she can hear you in action as it seemed too obvious. Still, this is exactly what this guy did, with obvious results. Continue reading Man Exposed Seeing Escorts After Pocket Dialling Partner
What Should Escorts Do if a Client Won’t Pay Anything or Negotiates the Amount?
Escorting is most certainly hard work. Not only do you have to sometimes spend time with clients that you may not choose to in your non working life, you occasionally have to deal with idiots who will either ‘negotiate’ the price, or refuse to pay all together. This can be a stressful time for any sex worker, as you can imagine. So how should an escort deal with such a scenario? Continue reading What Should Escorts Do if a Client Won’t Pay Anything or Negotiates the Amount?
6 Rookie Mistakes Punters Make
Escorts expect and deserve a certain standard of behaviour, so when punters don’t deliver on it, it can turn a date sour. It can be something as simple as not arriving to the date on time to being so disrespectful that they ask you to leave. You might think you know the kind of behaviours that are unacceptable, but it seems that there are some rookie mistakes punters are making. Continue reading 6 Rookie Mistakes Punters Make
The Reasons To see a Scottish Escort if You are a Shy Guy!
In a world that’s filled with complex technology, complicated social rules and cat videos, sometimes, it can be hard to feel comfortable around other people, let alone socialise with them. Nowadays, if you go to a coffee date with an estranged friend, he or she will spend more time scrolling through his or her Facebook feed than actually talking to you about the last person he or she fucked. Continue reading The Reasons To see a Scottish Escort if You are a Shy Guy!
What Is It Really Like To Be A Punter?
If you were to believe the general people have to escorting, being a punter means that you will be used. They think that you will be left feeling unsatisfied. Instead of having a great time with “someone you share a deep connection with”, you’ll just get something meaningless that will leave you feeling unhappy. Of course, if you are yourself a punter, you’ll know that this is a load of rubbish. Continue reading What Is It Really Like To Be A Punter?
Does Seeing Escorts Make Me a Loser?
Let’s face it, there are voices in that head of yours. They whisper, they sing, they moan and they scream. Some are polite, some are rude, some are funny, some are crude yet they all make you the eccentric, eclectic prism of perspective that you are. Continue reading Does Seeing Escorts Make Me a Loser?
A Newbies Guide To Seeing Escorts
It is no surprise people like seeing an escort. Everyone enjoys having a special kind of relationship with someone. Husbands have their wives, boyfriends have their girlfriends, and friends have their other friends with benefits. Continue reading A Newbies Guide To Seeing Escorts