Tag Archives: sex advice

Seven Great Sex Tips All Guys Want You To Know

We all know that escorts around here know what they are doing. Hey, if you didn’t, you wouldn’t be in a job. Still, whenever it comes to sex there is always room for improvement. And as a client, I know full well how difficult it can be to tell an escort how things can be made better in a session. There is a massive worry that you will come across as telling her she is shit at what she is doing, which unsurprisingly can make a session to go downhill fast. Continue reading Seven Great Sex Tips All Guys Want You To Know

Docs Say this Position Guarantees a Woman an Orgasm

We have spent a long time here pointing out (rightly) that it is far easier to get a woman to orgasm with oral sex. That is why we have given so many great oral sex tips. However, there are few better feelings in life than getting a woman to orgasm through full sex. Still, as we know, for many women this can be quite difficult. Continue reading Docs Say this Position Guarantees a Woman an Orgasm

Four Sex Positions To Spice Up Valentine’s Day

I have to say, I have never really been a fan of Valentine’s Day. I consider it one of the biggest rip offs you have ever seen in the history of humanity. People get to show how much they love each other complete with gifts and expensive meals, completely forgetting that there are 364 other days in the year for you to do the same. Continue reading Four Sex Positions To Spice Up Valentine’s Day

Why Has My Partner Gone Off Sex and How Can We Fix It?

A lack of sex in a relationship is never a good thing. In the short term it can lead to tension and frustration, whilst in the long term it can bring a relationship crashing down. Unless you are in an asexual relationship and have gravitated to someone of the same ilk as yourself, it is unlikely anyone in a sexless relationship is actually going to be happy, even if one of them can cope or fill the time better than the other. Continue reading Why Has My Partner Gone Off Sex and How Can We Fix It?

Here is The Optimum Time To Ask For Sex After Having Baby

It is safe to say that when you and your partner have a baby, in most cases the amount of sex you have goes down. Everyone is tired, the baby is likely clingy; it really leaves very little time for what caused the baby in the first place. As we all know, that lack of sex can cause major problems in a relationship, even if it doesn’t break it completely. Continue reading Here is The Optimum Time To Ask For Sex After Having Baby

Five Sex Positions When You are Pregnant

At one time in our life, Many of us are going to be there. Either ourselves or our partner will get pregnant. For a lot of us that will be a good thing and an exciting time. However, it has to be said, pregnancy isn’t always great for sex. Not only will the woman feel tired, as things get further along, there is an ever-increasing bump that gets in the way. Continue reading Five Sex Positions When You are Pregnant

Top 5 Hot Tub Sex Positions Countdown

Right now, all of the newest Summer clothes are being displayed in Topman, and all of the Kopparbergs are being put in front of the main doors at Tesco. But before you head to the shop for sun cream, you should purchase something little bit different this year, like a hot tub. Why? Maybe for the Summer Sex that you will get? Continue reading Top 5 Hot Tub Sex Positions Countdown