Tag Archives: sex tips

This Vibrator Safety Advice Should Be Read By ALL Women

Sex toys are some of the most common things found in bedrooms of women everywhere. They are brilliant, as they let them explore their body, whether they are with a partner, or engaging in solo action. Still, they can be dangerous if used incorrectly, as Nadia from Sydney, Australia found out. Continue reading This Vibrator Safety Advice Should Be Read By ALL Women

The Reason Period Sex is Incredible For Women

It is one of the biggest debates between guys when they talk about bedroom antics. Do you have sex with a woman on her period? Before I go any further, I will say now that I don’t. I have a thing about blood, especially when it is all over my penis courtesy of someone else. However, after doing some research, it seems women do actually benefit from this kind of intercourse. In fact it can make the period shorter! Continue reading The Reason Period Sex is Incredible For Women

Seven Great Sex Tips All Guys Want You To Know

We all know that escorts around here know what they are doing. Hey, if you didn’t, you wouldn’t be in a job. Still, whenever it comes to sex there is always room for improvement. And as a client, I know full well how difficult it can be to tell an escort how things can be made better in a session. There is a massive worry that you will come across as telling her she is shit at what she is doing, which unsurprisingly can make a session to go downhill fast. Continue reading Seven Great Sex Tips All Guys Want You To Know

Docs Say this Position Guarantees a Woman an Orgasm

We have spent a long time here pointing out (rightly) that it is far easier to get a woman to orgasm with oral sex. That is why we have given so many great oral sex tips. However, there are few better feelings in life than getting a woman to orgasm through full sex. Still, as we know, for many women this can be quite difficult. Continue reading Docs Say this Position Guarantees a Woman an Orgasm