Tag Archives: sex tips

Man Gets Rod Stuck in Penis During Urethral Play (Pictures)

We all know that people like different things in their sex life. What is weird to one person really gets the next person going. Still we all have our own innate prejudices, it is natural. Mine is I never want anything stuck up my penis or ass. It sounds painful, unpleasant, and things can go wrong. Yes I hear that if done properly none of that is true, but the though just goes right through me. Well, saying that, if I needed any confirmation of my concerns, this story coming Taiwan does just the job. Continue reading Man Gets Rod Stuck in Penis During Urethral Play (Pictures)

Four Sex Positions To Spice Up Valentine’s Day

I have to say, I have never really been a fan of Valentine’s Day. I consider it one of the biggest rip offs you have ever seen in the history of humanity. People get to show how much they love each other complete with gifts and expensive meals, completely forgetting that there are 364 other days in the year for you to do the same. Continue reading Four Sex Positions To Spice Up Valentine’s Day

Why Has My Partner Gone Off Sex and How Can We Fix It?

A lack of sex in a relationship is never a good thing. In the short term it can lead to tension and frustration, whilst in the long term it can bring a relationship crashing down. Unless you are in an asexual relationship and have gravitated to someone of the same ilk as yourself, it is unlikely anyone in a sexless relationship is actually going to be happy, even if one of them can cope or fill the time better than the other. Continue reading Why Has My Partner Gone Off Sex and How Can We Fix It?

Here is The Optimum Time To Ask For Sex After Having Baby

It is safe to say that when you and your partner have a baby, in most cases the amount of sex you have goes down. Everyone is tired, the baby is likely clingy; it really leaves very little time for what caused the baby in the first place. As we all know, that lack of sex can cause major problems in a relationship, even if it doesn’t break it completely. Continue reading Here is The Optimum Time To Ask For Sex After Having Baby

Five Steps To a Woman Having Multiple Orgasms

Everyone wants to have multiple orgasms. It is something of a holy grail for women everywhere. Let’s fact it, it can be hard for women to cum, whereas a man is usually guaranteed to do his business if there isn’t some underlying medical or psychological problem. Still, having that kind of experience is easier said than done. Continue reading Five Steps To a Woman Having Multiple Orgasms