Tag Archives: sex

The Five Most Common Female Fantasies

Based on findings in the book, ‘Garden of Desires’ by Emily Dubberley there are five common concentrations of female fantasies. These include submissive, dominant, exhibitionist, group and partner sex. Women are more tuned into their sexuality than might be assumed. The world of fantasy allows them to travel beyond usual socially acceptable boundaries without any repercussions. Continue reading The Five Most Common Female Fantasies

The Do’s and Don’t Of Anal Sex

It may no longer be as controversial as it once was, but anal sex is still far from the norm in the bedroom. Anal sex is still considered by many to be painful, un-hygienic and dangerous – and like many sexual practices this can be the case. However, if you keep a few key points in mind it’s fun, sexy and feels amazing. Continue reading The Do’s and Don’t Of Anal Sex

Weird Sexual Fantasies

Have you ever wondered if people would think you were kinky or a bit weird if they knew your secret fantasies? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. The truth is most adults have fantasies of some sort. We think about them but don’t normally discuss them. Some researchers say as many as 9 out of 10 of us have fantasies and the last one won’t admit to it as it is such a taboo subject. Continue reading Weird Sexual Fantasies