Tag Archives: sex

Scottish Slang Sex Terms Visitors May Not Understand

We are well aware on Escort Scotland that we have plenty of foreign escorts on our site. We love the fact that they have come to work here, as they add to the rich tapestry of our culture. Yet, we also know that there are loads of Scottish terms that those new residents won’t understand. Hey, there are English people who haven’t got a clue what the hell the Scots are saying, and I say this as someone who comes from England. Continue reading Scottish Slang Sex Terms Visitors May Not Understand

Man Sticks 15 Eggs up His Bum For Sexual Thrill

I have seen some crazy stuff during my time here. I have learned that when it comes to bedroom antics, what is weird for one person can be fun for others. As long as it is all consensual, who cares? I have such an easy going attitude to things these days that nothing ever shocks me. Well, almost nothing shocks me. Stories like this still send me off into the corner having a shaking fit! Continue reading Man Sticks 15 Eggs up His Bum For Sexual Thrill