There are many different reasons that clients choose to spend time with the TS escorts. They want to date someone a little bit different, someone who can offer them a little more than anyone else, and this experience is just what they have been hoping for. Continue reading The Different Stages Of Transsexual Escorts
Tag Archives: transsexual
Things TV And TS Escorts Are Fed Up Of Hearing
Slowly but surely, the world is coming around to the idea that the LGBT community deserves some recognition, although they are still uncertain about just what being transgender means. Because of this, transsexual and transvestites are having a really hard time of it, and that is even more true for those who are also escorts. Continue reading Things TV And TS Escorts Are Fed Up Of Hearing
Man Has Two Sex Changes!
Trying to live your life in a body that just isn’t right for you can be hard. You know what changes need to be made, but getting the courage and the strength to make them can be even harder than realising what is wrong. Continue reading Man Has Two Sex Changes!
Andreja Pejic Comes Out As Transgender Woman!
In a massive boost for the Transgender community the world over, stunning Bosnian born model Andreja Pejic has admitted to being a transgender female. Continue reading Andreja Pejic Comes Out As Transgender Woman!